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Primary School

Whole School News

Please find a selection of our latest curriculum innovations at Preston Primary School. To meet our vision for Preston, every member of staff is encouraged as a leader to take curriculum risks for children. Our assemblies, Learning Enquiries, Enrichments, and Clubs are all designed to give every child opportunities to grow into robust and happy lifelong learners.

Our Vision: An outstanding coastal school known for an innovative curriculum that delivers excellent outcomes for children.

Please click on the links to see what is happening in each Unit.

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  • 11/09/24

    Reading Display - we need your help!

    As mentioned in the last issue of Reading Matters, our whole school reading newsletter, we would like to create a new photo display in our library to celebrate everyone as readers. Who reads in your home? Please send us photos of your children and other people readin...
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  • 10/09/24

    Therapy Dog

    We are excited to introduce Molly, our new therapy dog, and her owner, Christel, to our school community! Christel has been training Molly for the role through the UK organisation, Therapy Dogs Nationwide. Molly will initially be supporting children in the Nest with their well-being; providing co...
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  • 04/09/24

    Welcome Back

    A very warm welcome back to school! It has been wonderful to welcome the children back to school today. They have all settled extremely well into their new classes and routines. We would like to give a special welcome to all our new children and families who have joined us.  We are excited abou...
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  • 19/07/24

    Half Termly Newsletter

    I am extremely grateful for, and proud of, all the children at Preston Primary. Over the past year they have certainly modelled our school values of  Respect, Responsibility, Teamwork, Creativity, Determination and Independence. These values serve as guiding principles in our daily lives, shapi...
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  • 18/07/24

    Reading Newsletter

    'Reading Matters' issue 13 Summer 2 2024
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  • 08/07/24

    Summer Fair

    Wow! What a brilliant afternoon at our Summer Fair last Friday - despite the rain! A huge thank you to our amazing team of FOPPS (Friends of Preston Primary School) volunteers who have worked tirelessly for the last few months to prepare for our Summer Fair. Thank you to our staff te...
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  • 02/07/24

    Rock Up and Read

    Last week, all Units invited parents into school for our 'Rock Up and Read' sessions. It was heart-warming to see adults and children enjoying the sunshine while sharing a variety of books and engaging in lively book talk. These moments are a testament to the value and love of reading h...
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  • 02/07/24

    Library Services Assembly

    Yesterday, we were incredibly lucky to have Mel from the Library Services come in to deliver a wonderful assembly all about the importance of reading, and about the upcoming library reading challenge. We are thrilled to announce that Paignton, Torquay and Churston libraries will be running the Summe...
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  • 25/06/24

    Eco Committee Assembly

    Last week, the Eco-Committee presented an assembly about the waste we produce at school, and how we can improve our recycling. The children presented and discussed the findings of our recent waste audit, and talked about how we are going to improve as a school, including having food waste bins...
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  • 25/06/24

    Choir Performance

    On the evening of Monday 24th June, Preston Primary School Choir wowed a packed audience at Paignton's Palace Avenue Theatre during the Blossoms Summer Symphony Concert. Honoured to be invited to perform, the choir delivered a stunning performance of four songs, showcasing their wonderful singin...
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Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075