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Primary School

Unit 2 Newsletter

Unit 2 Spring 2 Newsletter

Here is an outline of the learning that will be taking place over the next half term:

Learning Experience – Literacy and History

The children will become historians and learn all about the Great Fire of London. They will write their own newspaper reports about the event as well as diary entries from that time in history, based on the diary of Samuel Pepys. This learning experience will also be a celebration of the fire service we have today. We will thank our local fire brigade by making them hampers with our own freshly baked bread buns (which were being baked just before the Great Fire started).

Science: Learning about the properties of different materials through testing.

Spanish: Colours and Numbers.

RE: Symbols, Leaders and Teachers.

Design and Technology: Cookery

PE: Tag Rugby

Tawny: Monday, Little: Tuesday, Snowy: Wednesday

Woodland Camp afternoon

Snowy: Tuesday, Tawny: Wednesday, Little: Thursday

Our School Values

Responsibility; To understand the responsibility we all have to keep safe and learn about the people around us who are responsible for protecting us.

Respect: To show respect for those who risk their lives to keep us safe. To show respect by finding out about historical events and how they have shaped the way we live our lives today.

HOME LEARNING TASKS (choose at least one) Please bring to school by Friday 23rd March.

To choose from:

  • Make your own Tudor house
  • Keep a diary of your daily life
  • Fact page about London
  • Fire/fire engine art - collage, painting
  • A quiz about the Great Fire of London

Dates for your Diary

Tuesday 27th March 2.30pm

KS1 Easter Assembly in the hall.


If you have any questions or would like to discuss your child’s learning further, please do not hesitate to contact us via the home school link book or pop and see us at the door where a further meeting can be arranged if required.  

Mrs Yeo, Mrs Braddon, Mrs Collier,

Mrs Winter and Mrs Oliver.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075