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Primary School

Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter, 12th July 2019

Dear Parents and Carers,

Today you will have received your child’s first school report. The report helps us celebrate all the wonderful things your child has achieved and it guides us on where to direct their future learning. We would like to take this opportunity to say what a pleasure it has been teaching Puffins and Penguins. As the end of term approaches, we have been talking to the children about moving into Year 1 and we wish them well on their onward journey through school.

On Monday, we will inform you of who will be teaching each class in September. Then on Tuesday, children will have an opportunity to spend time with their new class and teacher.

Puffins and Penguins are very excited about their beach trips next week: Penguins Monday 15th July and Puffins Thursday 18th July. Over the year, the children have worked very hard to learn all our dinosaur school values. We will be creating dinosaur sand art and using our school values.

The beach trips will be during normal school hours. Children can come to school dressed in suitable beach clothing and sensible shoes for walking to the beach and back, and they can stay in these clothes for the whole day. There is no need to bring book bags on the day of the trip. Children will need a small backpack with their lunch and a drinks bottle as they will need to carry this to the beach themselves. If you have ordered lunch from the kitchen, we will collect these for your child. If you would like your child to get an ice cream at the beach, please pass £1 to the class teacher. We hope the glorious weather will continue. Please apply sun cream to your child in the morning, they can bring it to reapply later if necessary. Thank you for all of your support, we are going to have lots of fun.

We hope you can join us on Tuesday 23rd July at 2.30pm for our end of year celebration assembly. It has been a fun filled year and the children would like to share some of the wonderful experiences.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Dates to remember – more details will be given closer to the time

Beach Trip – Penguins Monday 15th July & Puffins Thursday 18th July

PTA Summer Fair – Friday 19th July 3.15pm – 5.00pm

Foundation End of Year Celebration on Tuesday 23rd July at 2.30pm

Term ends Thursday 25th July

Home Learning

  • Think about all the things you have enjoyed in Foundation. Draw pictures and write sentences telling us about it.
  • Share a story with a grown up.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075