Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter 3rd May 2019
Dear Parents and Carers,
On Monday morning, the children arrived in school to find a magic beanstalk had grown in the middle of our classrooms. Ted was found at the bottom of the beanstalk with a bag of magic beans. The children have been talking about how this could have happened and if the giant is still at the top. We planted the magic beans in the hope of growing our own beanstalks.
As part of our current learning, we are finding out about what it means to be healthy, including hygiene, exercise and healthy eating. We will be trying different fruits and vegetables over the next few weeks, if you have any concerns about allergies (that have not already been reported via SIMS Parent lite) please let us know.
This week Puffins and Penguins were lucky to have an inspiring visit from a group of final year medical students who are based in Torbay Hospital. We rotated around different activity stations including; looking in a doctor’s bag, hand washing technique, finding out about the heart, healthy eating and Teddy Bear Doctors surgery. The activities linked to our school value of Responsibility and they understood that they are responsible for making healthy choices. The team also talked about job roles within the hospital environment - I think we might have lots of future radiographers, nurses and doctors on our hands. We had such a fantastic and inspiring experience. You might have to stock up on plasters and bandages at home as I’m sure they might find lots of teddies (and family members) now need caring for.
Swimming sessions for Puffins and Penguins will commence after half term and will be weekly. You will receive more details by e-mail and App next week. We ask every parent for a donation to help us run our beautiful but expensive pool. This will also be explained in the upcoming e-mail. Please help us financially to operate our pool and we can then keep every child water safe.
Home Learning
- Bring a picture into school of when you were a baby/toddler or e-mail to we will use these to talk about change.
- Practise reading the red word grid. You will find it in your book bag. Can you write sentences using these words.
- Independently write a sentence to label objects around the home using the words ‘it is a …’
- Talk about making healthy choices and which foods are good for you. Try a new food and write about it.
Many Thanks, Foundation Team