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Primary School

Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter, 27th November 2020

Dear Parents,

Christmas is fast approaching and we have started to practise our nativity. The children have been told their part and will be coming home today with lines to learn. You will find the lines stuck in your child’s red book, also there are songs to practise on Seesaw. The children are very excited about filming the nativity for you. We have lots of costumes in school already but some children will need to bring in spare clothes to wear, details can be found in your child’s red book. Please help your child learn their lines over the weekend. We have been encouraging all the children to project their voice and say their lines with confidence. Thank you for your support.

Rhyming Story – Oi Frog

This week the children enjoyed the funny rhyming story ‘Oi Frog’. In the story the animals sit in unusual places that rhyme. We created a story map for the first few pages and played rhyming games. We will be revisiting this story over the next couple of weeks and making our own rhymes.


In Maths this week we have been focusing on the number 8. We found that ‘oct’ means 8, e.g. octopus, octagon and even the Octonauts! We noticed how Numberblock 8 looks like an octopus.

We used a special spider to help us with our partitioning this week! We used partitioning as sometimes the spider had a different number of legs on one side of its body to the other. For example, if it had 6 legs on one side, then we had to work out that 2 legs needed to go on the other side. We used a number track to help us to count on from the first number until we got to 8.

Christmas Lunch

Over the next few weeks we will be enjoying lots of Christmas activities. Part of the fun is enjoying a Christmas lunch together on Wednesday 16th December. If you would like your child to have a free Christmas lunch you will need to order it via the Aspens website by Friday 4th December at the latest.


  • Your child may have already mentioned this, but on Thursday the children experienced a fire drill. We prepared the children for the event and they were very calm and sensible.
  • An e-mail has been sent to you regarding fundraising for a new 2G all weather astroturf pitch. It would be lovely to have as many children involved in the fundraising as possible. We can’t wait to see your ideas.

Home Learning

This weekend we would really like you to help your child learn their lines (found in their red book) for the nativity and practise singing the songs found on Seesaw. Remember to practise using your big voice.

From Mrs Bastin, Mrs Clague and the Foundation Stage Team

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075