Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week we have been finding out what happens on farms. Next week we will become scientists, finding out exactly what plants need to grow. We will be growing herbs, strawberries, beans, and investigating the parts of a plant. We will also be finding out what hungry caterpillars like to eat and will be searching for our own mini-beasts!
In maths we have been focussing hard on saying the number that is one more than and one less than, some of us are finding this very difficult so any practise at home would be very beneficial.
As our weather is so unpredictable it is really important that the children are prepared for all weathers at this time of year. Please put sun cream on your children at the beginning of the day, this should last all day. However if it is particularly sunny you may send in a small container of sun cream (labelled) to keep in school. Please send in a sunhat labelled with a name. All children need to bring a coat or rain jacket with them to school everyday as the weather can change during the day and the children can be outside a lot.
Ideas for supporting your child’s learning at home this week.
- Finding one more/less e.g. if I have 15 raisins and I eat one how many will I have?
- Use the internet to research what plants need to grow.
Foundation Stage Team