Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter
Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter, 10th January 2020
Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back to an exciting new term. With a New Year comes a new look newsletter. We have refreshed the layout to be consistent with the rest of the school. Communication is important, therefore we will continue to publish weekly newsletters to inform you of the wonderful and exciting learning taking place in Foundation Stage (Puffins and Penguins).
Our school value this half term is Independence. In Foundation we learn the school values though dinosaurs. The children were introduced to ‘Independasaurus’.
“I am Independasaurus. I like to have a go at doing things by myself and I am able to concentrate and focus really well. I am good at having a go and trying out different ways, even if I find things tricky because this is when I am learning the most. I know that it is fine to make mistakes as this is how I learn new things.”
The children spent an afternoon learning how they can be independent and why it is important. They took part in a carousel of activities talking about and demonstrating independence. Some of the children said:
"I carried my own bags today, I was independent"
"I cut my food up all by myself"
"Doing things on your own can be scary but you just need to try"
"I put my costume on all by myself"
Learning Experience
This half term we are learning about the people who help us in our community. This week we created our very own Post Office talking about the role of a Postal Worker and how a letter gets from the post box to its final destination. We are linking our learning to the story of ‘The Jolly Postman’. We will be looking at the format of a simple letter and exploring the 3D shape of parcels.
Next week we will be visiting the local Post Office to buy a stamp and post invitations home. Keep an eye out for your invitation to our story sharing event.
Here are some of the key words we will be using. Please support your child by talking about these words at home:
Post, letter, stamp, postcard, invitation, sack, letter box, envelope, parcel, address, uniform and post code.
Suggested reading at home
- The Jolly Postman
- The Day the Crayons Quit
- Dear Dinosaur
- Dear Zoo
- Can I be your dog?
- Paddington’s Post
In Maths we have been exploring the different ways we can represent numbers and what the word ‘represent’ means. The children have been using their fingers, objects and drawing. We also continue to explore ‘one more’ and how we can use a number track to help us.
What makes Preston unique?
As a staff we have spent time discussing what makes Preston Primary unique. We have distilled our long list down to three things.
We are constantly striving to be innovative in our curriculum ideas and design. This ensures a fun, exciting curriculum.
We believe a values-based approach to education helps every child become the best person that they can.
We see our role as developing the characters of the children of Preston, to enable them to face the challenges of the future.
British Value
This half term, in our Class Assemblies, we are learning about the British Value of Democracy. In Puffins and Penguins, we talk about fairness, turn taking, sharing and choosing our learning.
Spring Targets – Your child’s Spring targets can be found in their red home school link book. Please read these targets and support your child at home with activities. There is an opportunity to talk about this more at Parents Evening. Booking details to follow.
If your child is five and would like to still receive milk at snack time you will need to pay for it via the Cool Milk website
The children are now in their new Read Write Inc groups. Each child will bring home tasks on Friday according to their need. This could vary from letter formation, reading simple sentences or sharing a story with a grown up. Please continue to support your child to revise the set one sounds at home.
Home Learning
- Explore the different types of post you receive
- Learn your address
- Share a story with a grown up
- Practise your Read Write Inc set one sounds
- Look at 3D shapes around the home and local environment
Dates to remember
Share a Story event – Thursday 23rd January 2.45pm
Parents Evening – Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th February – booking details to follow
From Mrs Bastin, Mrs Clague and the Foundation Stage Team