Unit 3 Newsletter

Unit 3 Autumn Newsletter
Welcome back after what was hopefully a relaxing and enjoyable summer break! Please find the details of our intended learning experience for the first half of the Autumn term. Our new Learning Experience is entitled ‘Keep Calm and Save Lives’ and is based around keeping safe at coastal areas.
Learning Experience Rationale
In light of a number of high profile incidents in the national news regarding coast safety, children will be enthused and encouraged about how to not only keep themselves safe at the beach and coastal areas but also how to help save the lives of others. Children will experience basic first aid, learn emergency procedures in the event of an incident, and will take a trip to the local beach.
Learning Experience Outcome
Children will create informative and interesting non-chronological reports about coastal areas, why they are popular, the possible dangers and guidance for remaining safe in these environments. This will be written on to bordered paper (created by the children themselves) and bound into high quality class books, available for visitors to read.
During this half term, the children will develop their knowledge and understanding of place value. The children will be expected to use their prior understanding of mathematical concepts to assist them in solving a range of mathematical problems. The children will be challenged to become more fluent with their skills, which include multiplication tables and related number facts. There will be a particular focus on ensuring the children reason with their responses and recording this through journaling.
Home Learning
All children will have weekly spelling lists and online reading and maths tasks. You will receive logins shortly to My Maths, Times Tables Rockstars and Read Theory. To coincide with our learning experiences, we will be sending home a creative homework each half term. For this half term, please:
- Encourage your children to create a poster explaining how to stay safe in coastal areas.
- Research the role of the RNLI and present some information about the institution.
Throughout the six week learning experience, the children will be supported to write a non-chronological report about keeping safe at the coast. The children will be basing their writing on a high quality text that will set the standard for the quality of writing we expect.
Reading at home – We expect the children to read books at home as often as possible. As part of Accelerated reader, children who read more at home will make greater progress and increase their understanding of what they read.
This term will see the children learning about rocks and soils. Amongst many other aspects of rocks, children will be identifying naturally occurring rocks in the local area and exploring their uses, grouping rocks according to their characteristics, planning, carrying out and evaluating experiments to compare rocks, identifying rocks that are used for particular purposes.
PSHE / Spanish / PE / RE
In PSHE this half term, the children will be focussing on British values and what and who keeps us safe. Tag Rugby and swimming will make up the PE activities for this half term, and the children will be learning to play the ukulele within music sessions. Spanish lessons will be based on greetings, such as ‘hello’ and ‘how are you?’, and RE will explore ideas of what it is to be human (with questions such as ‘what is important to me?) and relates them to religious and other beliefs.
We have a child with a peanut allergy in school. We kindly request that children do not bring peanut products into school. Thank you.
Meet the teacher afternoon / Harvest Assembly
We would like to invite you to the Unit 3 Parents’ meeting in the Hall on Wednesday 19th September 2–2.30pm, where you can meet the teachers and discuss the upcoming school year.
Immediately following this meeting, the children of Unit 3 would like to invite you to their Harvest Assembly in the hall from 2.30–3pm.