Lego League Regional Competition

On Friday 25th June, a group of Unit 4 children took part in the Institute of Engineering and Technology’s First Lego League remote regional competition. It was an excellent experience where the children got the chance to collaboratively code robots around Lego challenges. They used their critical-thinking skills to solve problems, and showed creativity in creating a presentation about a current issue. The children competed against primary and secondary schools from across Devon.
The children impressed the judges and were presented with the Innovation Project award. The judges commented on how phenomenal the children’s research was into this year’s challenge: motivating people to be more active. The children showed such determination in our very own Innovation Lounge: researching this year’s challenge, creating questionnaires for Unit 4 children, and producing their presentation for the judges. Well done to all involved in this year’s Lego League! We are so proud of all you have achieved.