Wheelchair Basketball

We were delighted to welcome Jack Davey, head coach from Exeter Otters basketball team today. He delivered fun and engaging wheelchair basketball sessions to children in years 5 and 6. Jack kindly provided all the equipment and shared his passion for basketball and his coaching expertise. The children familiarised themselves with the wheelchair by playing games and moving around the hall. They practised skills in dribbling, passing, and shooting. The sessions enabled children to understand that you do not need to have a disability to play wheelchair basketball. They all said how much fun they had in the sessions. Izzy said ‘I enjoyed playing stuck in the mud – everyone kept getting stuck, and I had to move around and free them’.
Wheelchair basketball is a sport for all. Every Saturday at Wonford Leisure Centre (Rifford Road, EX2 6NF), Exeter Otters run a wheelchair basketball session from1.00 – 2.30pm, all ages and abilities are welcome to join. Here is a link to the website if you are interested. Exeter Otters Wheelchair Basketball Club - Home
Thank you, Jack, for inspiring the children to be active and explore new sports. Thank you also to Alfred in Hawks for being the assistant coach for the day. Alfred trains weekly with the Exeter Otters and has enjoyed sharing the sport with his friends today.