Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers,
Next week we will be discussing determination and the desire to succeed, linking this to Sports Day and always trying our best in all we do.
In maths, we will be solving problems that involve doubling, halving and sharing.
We are looking forward to Sports Day on Tuesday 3rd July. You are invited to come in at 12.00pm for a picnic lunch on the field with your child. Foundation Stage will then return to class at 12.30pm, and will be racing from 2.00pm onwards.
Please supply sun cream by either applying during lunchtime or sending it with a name on it, as well as providing a sun hat for your child. PE kits have been sent home today. Please send your child dressed in their PE kit on Tuesday morning and they will wear it home again. They will not need book bags or any other bags on that day.
Ideas for supporting your child’s learning at home this week:
- Watch some sporting events together and talk about your own hobbies and experiences of sports day at school
- Recognising numbers to 20 extend to 30, 40, 50 etc.
- Practise simple double/halving and sharing problems
- Work on your children’s individual targets.
Have a great weekend
Many Thanks
Foundation Stage Team