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Primary School

Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter - 21st September 2018

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week we went to our first whole school assembly! We were incredibly proud of how well the children sat and listened, all of the staff were very impressed. We will soon start to keep a record in school of how many gold house-point stickers each child receives throughout the week. Certificates will be given in our Friday Awards Assembly for 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 house-points over the year. These stickers are very special and will be given for showing our school values and working really hard.

In maths, we have been learning about ‘part-part-whole’ which is a way of partitioning numbers into two parts using different combinations. For example; 5 could be put into two groups of 4 and 1 or 3 and 2 or 5 and 0. We have also been showing this using fruit and biscuits, “now I have the whole biscuit but now I am going to eat one part of it”. We will be continuing with this next week.

Our morning name writing is getting better each day and all children are making steps of progress at their own pace.

Next week, we will be learning the sounds o, c, k, u, b. We will continue to learn how to say the sounds in a word and then blend sounds together. For example, “c-a-t…cat, b-a-d…bad”.

We have enjoyed a couple of visits so far to our Woodland Camp. Please bring wellies in if you haven’t already done so to avoid muddy feet.

Ideas for supporting your child’s learning at home:

  • Sharing books together with family – use the reading activity ideas in the red book.   
  • Writing our names using correct letter formation
  • Using the language of ‘part-part-whole’, now you have a whole apple, now you have eaten part of it’.
  • Recognising the digits 0 to 5.
  • Practise writing the letters p i  g  n – think of words that start with these sounds.

Foundation Stage home learning meeting – Wednesday 26th September at 2.45 in the hall. Please sign in at Reception in the main entrance. A short meeting giving you an insight into the learning taking place in school and how this can be supported by you at home.

Many thanks, Mrs Yeo, Mrs Bastin and Mrs Clague

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075