Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter 16th November 2018
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week we have been learning all about the story ‘Whatever Next’ – this is about a baby bear who decides to make a rocket and travel all the way to the moon. Today we heard a loud bang and soon realised that our very own class bear has set off into space! All that was left was orange powder from the rocket engine. Our writing this week has been about the story and some of us have even written our very first sentences!
In maths, we have been partitioning the number 8. We have been using counters and objects to explore how we can make 8. When we throw 8 counters up in the air we can look at the different ways they land e.g. a 5 and a 3, a 4 and a 4. We have also been using 10 frames to place the 8 counters inside, some of us even spotted that it was 8 because 2 were missing. Please continue to help your child to recognise small amounts immediately (2, 3, 4, 5) without having to count them, using fingers or small objects.
In Read, Write, Inc we have been looking again at our diagraphs (‘two letters that make one sound’) – ch, qu, sh, ng, nk – you could try using these with the other set 1 sounds for an extra challenge, for example chip, shop, tick, sing.
We have also been hearing about the Christmas story and singing Little Donkey and Away in a Manger, in preparation for Nativity season. How exciting!
Now that we have completed our Set 1 sounds, the children have been having their first Read, Write, Inc assessments. This will determine the appropriate group for your child and the sounds and reading books that they will be focusing on each day. Next term, the children will have spelling lessons in these groups rather than a whole class.
Thank you to those who have returned the consent forms for our new online assessment tool called Tapestry. Please can these be returned as soon as possible, if you haven’t already done so.
Mrs Yeo and Mrs Clague are looking forward to meeting with the parents in Puffins next week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) for parents evening. Thank you again for your patience and for signing up for your new appointments.
Thank you for your Children in Need donations.
Have a lovely weekend!
Many thanks, Mrs Yeo, Mrs Bastin and Mrs Clague.