Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter 25th January 2019
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been another exciting week in Foundation!
In the woods the children have been using hand drills to make holes in pallets. They were all very keen to have a turn and enjoyed the challenge.
As part of our work on ’People Who Help Us’ we had two very special visits.
Thank you to Mr Carpenter who came to talk to us about the Royal Navy. He explained to the children how he uses our school values Responsibility and Teamwork to carry out his role. He brought in a survival suit, it looked very funny on Mrs Bastin!
Devon and Cornwall Fire Service gripped the attention of the children by allowing them to sit in the fire engine and look at all the equipment. They gave a talk on the importance of having a smoke alarm and making sure it is checked regularly. The fire service asked if there is anyone who does not have a smoke alarm fitted at home to pass on their details to school and they will fit one free of charge.
The children have had lots to talk about this week, we hope you’ve enjoyed sharing their learning.
It was wonderful to see so much support at the Read Write Inc meeting and to hear the positive feedback, thank you. To follow on from the meeting, we will e-mail everyone with the ideas on how to support your child at home. In the meantime, this link to Oxford Owl website will give you access to many free ebooks, (sign up is free):
Home learning has been set by the Firefighters
- Count how many smoke alarms you have in your home
- Test the smoke alarms to check they work
- Draw a map of your home to show where all the smoke alarms are. Stick this in your red book.
On Wednesday 6th February we invite the children to dress up as a hero from the community, Police, Firefighter, Paramedic, Doctor, Army, Navy or Air Force etc.
Many thanks,
The Foundation Team