Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter, 11th February 2022
Lego Discover – Session 4 ‘Let’s sort’
Before the session we watched by watching a CBeebies episode ‘Maddie’s Do you know? Posting a letter’ (the link to this programme is in the homework section). This showed us the journey of a letter and what the inside of a sorting office looks like. We couldn’t believe how quickly the letters zoomed along the belts inside the sorting machine!
In the Lego session, the children were introduced to the new vocabulary of ‘access’. We had a large-scale map with some of the destinations being overseas, so the children had to work out ways to get the parcels across the water. Some of the children made a plane to fly the cargo over the sea, others made boats so that they could sail to another land and others made a giant bridge connecting the two countries together!
At the end of the session, pupils had the opportunity to look at other groups work to see how they had solved the problem of access.
Enrichment visits
We are extremely lucky to have access to a school minibus and we would like to create more opportunities to use this wonderful facility. The children have really enjoyed visiting Torquay Library. Between now and the end of their time in Foundation, we will be organising small trips to the local area to explore different learning experiences. By using the minibus, we can take small groups of children to visit different places during the school day (returning in time for lunch), keeping costs reduced. We have a variety of trips planned to link to our learning including beach maths and shopping for cooking ingredients. We will not be able to take all of the children on every trip, but we will make sure everyone experiences at least one trip. We will send you a text message to let you know if your child is going offsite for a school trip. If you have any queries, please speak to a class teacher.
Recommended Reads
These are the books your friends would like to recommend this week. We hope you enjoy them.
‘Find Anthony Ant’ by Graham and Lorna Philpot
recommended by Casper
This book is very good because it has mazes in, and you have to look for Anthony Ant. He might be down this way or that way. You might like this book because it is fun, and every page has a different number maze on it.
’10 Little Dinosaurs’ by Mike Brownlow
recommended by Ralph
I like counting down the dinosaurs and when they come back to each other at the end.
‘Ruby’s worry’ by Tom Percival
recommended by Jake
I like this book because it teaches you to talk about your worries. If you talk about them then they will go away.
Torquay Library
We constantly strive to give children opportunities to be immersed in a love of reading. This half term we have given every child in Foundation the opportunity to visit Torquay Library. This has also linked closely to our current learning experience ‘When I Grow Up’ as we have been talking about the role of a Librarian and an Author.
Yesterday we took another group of children to the visit the library. They really enjoyed the minibus journey to our destination. At the library they spent time looking at a whole range of books. They enjoyed selecting some books to borrow for the week so that they can share them with their classmates back at school.
World Book Day - Friday 4th March
World Book Day is celebrated in over 100 countries in the world! It is an annual event and is a wonderful way to promote reading, books, and authors. At Preston Primary we will be celebrating this special day on Friday 4th March. All children are invited to dress up as a character from a book – at the end of this newsletter are some ideas of easy character costumes and if you look at the newsletter on the website, you can also see images. There will be lots of reading events happening in school that day. We will let you know more details closer to the event but thought we would give you advance warning so that you can think about what your child might like to wear.
Home Learning
- Check your book bag or Seesaw for this week’s RWI activity.
- Re-watch ‘Maddie’s Do you know? Posting a letter’ (Series 2, Episode 16)
- Use Ten Town to practice numbers 1-9.
- Look on Seesaw for this week’s ‘Six Brick Challenges’. We would love to see some photos of you completing the challenges and hearing your thoughts.
Messages and Dates
- Half term begins Monday 21st February
- School returns Monday 28th February
- World Book Day – Friday 4th March. Dress up as a book character.
- Please remember that you can also view this newsletter on the school website where you can see any photographs that we include.
- If you have any messages regarding absences or medical appointments for your child, please telephone or e-mail the school office
- Please ensure your child has their book bag and water bottle in school every day.
From Mrs Bastin, Mrs Clague and the Foundation Stage Team
World Book Day costume ideas
‘Little Red Riding Hood’
Wear red clothes or a school summer dress. Carry a picnic basket with some goodies in.
‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl.
Wear a blue dress with a red ribbon in your hair. Carry a stack of books. Maybe draw a newt and put it inside a plastic cup or container.
Charlie Bucket (from ‘Charlie and the chocolate factory’ by Roald Dahl.
Make a golden ticket using gold or yellow card. Colour in some paper or card to make a Wonka bar.
'Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs’ by Ian Whybrow
Carry a bucket (beach one is perfect) and put some toy dinosaurs inside it or stick picture of dinosaurs on it.
‘Mr Bump’ by Roger Hargreaves.
Wear blue clothing. Use bandages to wrap around head and tummy. Maybe you could also add some plasters.
Carry three teddy bears and a box of porridge.