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Primary School

Foundation Stage Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter, 11th November 2022


This half-term, we will be learning about celebrations and festivals. We will be talking about and answering the following:

1.Understand what a celebration is. Develop an understanding of different cultures and traditions.

2.Why, where, and how do people celebrate? Develop an understanding of similarities and differences.

3.What are my own celebration experiences and that of others. Develop respect for others and own understanding of their beliefs and values.

4.What is the significance of performing a Nativity?

The children enjoyed sharing their own experiences of different celebrations and we created a list of things that might occur during a celebration. For example, there might be a party with friends, family, decorations, food, fireworks, singing, dancing, and gifts.

This week we focused our learning on Bonfire night. The children have been talking about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot. Teaching children about historical events is important as it helps them to gain an understanding of time. Some of the vocabulary we have been using is November, Houses of Parliament, explode, plot, and past. The children talked about their own experiences of Bonfire night. It was lovely to listen to their stories.

To link to our learning about Bonfire night the children explored colour mixing to make colourful firework pictures. They also created bonfire collages using ripped paper.

As part of home learning this week, please could you tell us about the different celebrations your family has enjoyed. These could be weddings, birthdays, religious festivals, christenings, anniversaries, or bonfire night. Please either send in or e-mail some photographs with an explanation about the celebrations or send us the details via Seesaw. We really appreciate your support; it really helps to have images from home to prompt discussion.


‘I am Responsibility Rex. I am always in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. I am very good at looking after our environment and take care of all the equipment and people in our school. I am responsible for my own learning and enjoy reaching my targets. I like challenges, and I am proud of the things I do in order to achieve them.’

Our school value focus this half term is Responsibility. We introduced the children to Responsibility Rex, our school value dinosaur. The children took part in a carousel of activities to discuss and learn about the different responsibilities they have in school and at home. We were very impressed with their ideas and understanding of responsibility.

They visited the rabbits and guinea pigs, learning about our responsibilities to care for the school animals. The children discussed their responsibilities around the school and at home. They read the stories ‘Litterbug Doug’ by Ellie Bethel and ‘Harry saves the ocean’ by Sylva Fae and talked about our responsibility for the environment. They took turn to use the litter pickers to collect any rubbish they found in the environment.  We will continue to learn about responsibility in school, and we would love to see and hear about the responsibilities the children have at home. Please share a picture on seesaw of your child demonstrating responsibility. We have already received images of children making their own bed in the morning.


This week, the children held a two minute silence to remember those who have fought and lost their lives to protect us. We talked about the significance of the poppy and made our own poppies. The children demonstrated respect and responsibility.

Read Write Inc.

Before half-term, all children were assessed in phonics. Puffins and Penguins have now been split into smaller ‘Read Write Inc’ (RWI) groups, so they can focus on their particular targets for reading. Every child’s reading journey is unique, and we celebrate all their successes.

Your child’s RWI teacher will provide your child with a phonics or reading activity to practise at home. This will either be posted on Seesaw or sent home with your child in their book bag.

If you have any questions about phonics, please do not hesitate to ask. We will continue to share information on your child’s phonic journey.

Oral Health

Before half term we had a visit from Dental Nurse, Mrs Singleton. She spoke to the children about how to keep their teeth healthy. She also observed the children brushing their teeth in school and she was very impressed with their technique. We brush our teeth to a special two minute brush bus song. We will put the link on Seesaw for you to use at home as well. Each child received a free gift bag including toothbrush, toothpaste, two minute timer and an information leaflet. We hope they continue the great work at home. If you have any queries please come and see the class teacher.


This week in maths we have been exploring number four. We went on a number hunt and used the representation of a five frame to explain how we know there are four counters. For example, we encouraged the children to say, ‘I know that there are four counters because there is one empty space. One less than five is four.’ We then explored the different arrangements we could make with four interlocking cubes.

Save the date – Wednesday 30th November. Early Years Maths Workshop for parents from 5-6pm in school. More detail to follow soon.

Home Learning

  • E-mail or send in photographs of your family celebrating different occasions. Or you can send them via Seesaw. The e-mail address is
  • Send an image on Seesaw of your child demonstrating Responsibility at home.
  • Enjoy the story on Seesaw.
  •  Check your child’s book bag or on Seesaw for phonics activities and reading to complete at home.

Important Dates

  • Puffins Online Parent meetings – Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th November
  • Penguins Online Parent meetings – Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th November
  • Early Years Maths workshop for parents – Wednesday 30th November 5-6pm

Kind Regards, Mrs Bastin, Mrs Clague and the Foundation Stage Team.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075