Unit 3 Summer 2 Newsletter

'Preston Apollo'
Welcome back! We hope you have had a relaxing half-term break. Please find details of our intended learning experience for the second part of this half term.
Learning Experience Rationale:
The children will be immersed in outer space and will develop a knowledge and understanding of our universe. There will be a focus on the values of creativity and independence. We are keen to help the children develop a wider vocabulary as part of this Learning Experience, so we will focus on the science of the universe alongside the creative language needed for narrative writing.
Learning Experience Hook and Outcome:
Unit 3 will be hooked into this Learning Experience by learning about the 50th anniversary of the first time man set foot on the moon. We will use videos and images to hook them in and start a discussion about outer space. The children will then prepare for a debate in the class focussed on the question: “Should we be allowed to travel to space as tourists?” This will help to develop their language and speaking skills. We will also discuss the careers that can stem from the study of science as a discipline and inspire a curiosity and a love for learning. The children will develop a good understanding of what makes a planet suitable for life through problem solving and research.
Maths: During this half term, the children will develop their understanding of decimals and money. We will be looking at the links between decimals and fractions, as well as solving word problems involving money, enabling the children to use their skills in context. We are continuing to develop a mastery approach to our teaching, where the children are required to justify the reasoning for their answers through journaling. We ask that all children practise their times tables at home as often as possible.
Home Learning: All children will have weekly spellings to learn at home. Children will also need to use the online programs My Maths, Times Tables Rockstars and Read Theory to support their learning in school. Please see your child’s teacher if you require the log ins. Alongside this, please could the children:
- Conduct some research into Neil Armstrong’s first landing on the moon or Tim Peake’s space voyage.
- Research the different planets in our solar system.
- Children can also be supported to build their own rocket or planet.
Please could homework be in school the week commencing 15th July.
Literacy: The children will be writing a creative diary entry, from the perspective of an astronaut who is trying to find a planet capable of supporting human life. To be able to do this, the children will first need to understand what makes a planet capable of hosting life. The children will then focus on narrative writing techniques, including speech, to create their high-quality diary entry.
Reading at home: Please encourage children to read at home as much as possible. The children will return home with new library books once they have taken a quiz about the book they have read. Over time, this will help improve their reading age and fluency as part of our Accelerated Reader program.
Science: This term will see the children learning about electricity. Key objectives covered include:
- Identify simple appliances that run on electricity.
- Recognise some common insulators and conductors.
- Identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery.
Computing / Spanish / PE / RE:
We will continue to focus on drama in rotation starting with conveying emotions. Spanish lessons will be based around sports and hobbies. In RE this half term, we will be focusing on inspirational religious people, and in PE we will be playing cricket.
Classes will swim on the following days:
Sparrows – Monday AM, Starlings – Tuesday AM,
Swifts – Thursday PM
Thank you, Miss Pettitt, Miss Prior and Mr Kingdon