Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week we have had a wonderful trip to Plymouth Aquarium. The children were so excited and their behaviour and attitudes during our trip was stunning. Well done Puffins and Penguins, we are so proud of you. We had a very large coach (70 seater), we have never seen such a big coach! This enabled us to take lots of adult help and we even had the luxury of two tour guides at the aquarium. The children had a great time and their behaviour was fabulous, they were a credit to us all. They were most taken with the amazing Marina the mermaid, who met us and talked to us about living under the sea.
Next week we will continue with our watery theme – looking more closely at sharks and other exciting creatures that interest the children.
Ideas for supporting your child’s learning at home this week:
- Recognising numbers to 20 extend to 30, 40, 50 etc.
- Solving simple sharing problems e.g. How can we share these 9 grapes between 3 of us?
- Work on your children’s individual targets.
Enjoy your weekend.
Many Thanks
Foundation Stage Team