Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter
Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter, 22nd November 2019
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been a busy and exciting week. The children have been fascinated by the topic ‘Space’ and have been sharing their knowledge. They have enjoyed the story ‘Whatever Next’ and we had a big surprise this week. There was a very loud bang and we soon realised that our very own Little Bear had set off into space! All that was left was orange rocket dust from the engine. The children were very excited and can’t wait to hear about Little Bears adventure. Our writing this week has been about the story and we have made our own jam sandwiches for a picnic on the moon. The children have been using the vocabulary sphere, planet, gravity, rotate and curious. Please talk to your child about these words to help expand their word bank. Our school curriculum is sequenced to enable children to build on experiences throughout their school journey. The skills and knowledge they are currently learning about ‘Space’ will link to the Year 1/2 Learning Experience ‘Out of This World’.
Thank you for your support at the Read Write Inc (RWI) demonstration, we hope it provided a good insight into the teaching of Phonics. As a school we value reading, it is at the heart of our Curriculum. We would like to signpost you to a RWI set one sound pronunciation guide Also, Oxford Owl website has free ebooks for you to share with your child. You will need to register but it is quick and easy to do. Please continue to support your child at home with oral blending and share lots of wonderful stories together. If you could please spare a few minutes to feedback to us on the RWI demonstration we would really appreciate it. In your child’s Home School Link Book you will find a speech bubble to complete.
On Monday, Puffins and Penguins enjoyed a campfire in the woods. They were mesmerised by the fire and it sparked some wonderful conversations. The children demonstrated the importance of keeping themselves and others safe. They have requested that one week we cook in the woods!
On Thursday 5th December, we will be travelling to Plymouth Theatre Royal to watch ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’ on stage. This will be a wonderful language rich experience and we will be talking to the children about this next week. You may like to read the story with your child over the next few weeks and talk about the characters and the events in the story.
Christmas is fast approaching and we have started practising our nativity songs. Next week your child will bring home song lyrics and details of their role in our traditional nativity. Information regarding tickets for the performances will be given closer to the time. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
As we approach the weeks before Christmas we will be practising our present wrapping. If you are able to donate a cheap roll of festive wrapping paper all donations would be gratefully received. You will be able to reap the benefits as they will be able to help you wrap all your Christmas gifts!
On Wednesday 18th December, it is our Christmas lunch. If you would like your child to have a Christmas lunch you will need to pre-order on the Feeding Hungry Minds website, there will not be an option to order a hot dinner on the day. If you do not pre-order, your child will need to bring a packed lunch. It is a fun and festive occasion enjoyed by all. If you have not registered with Feeding Hungry Minds this is the link.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Foundation Team
This week the children have been learning the poem ‘Bedtime March-past’ by Moira Andrew. They have been talking about their own bedtime routines and the words tuck, beneath and heap which appear in the poem. The children enjoyed performing the poem you may like to read it together and discuss why ‘old Dinosaur’ is the only soft toy to get a kiss and why does he tuck little bear out of sight?
‘Bedtime March-past’ by Moira Andrew
I need to cuddle Penguin.
I need to cuddle Sheep.
I need to cuddle Crocodile
before I go to sleep.
I need to cuddle Little Bear
Then tuck him out of sight,
before I kiss old Dinosaur
who sometimes likes to fight.
I need to cuddle Monster,
then hide beneath the heap.
Mum says I’m hard to find
When toys lie seven-deep.
I need to cuddle Cattypuss
before I put out the light.
But last of all I kiss my Mum,
And then I say ‘Goodnight’.
Home Learning Options:
- Practise singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star using Makaton, use the link
- Read the story ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’
- Enjoy reciting the poem Bedtime March-past’ by Moira Andrew
- Read the story of the first Christmas
- Explore the number 10. Sing 10 fat sausages and 10 green bottles. Can you find 10 objects around the home?
Pop-Up Café
During the winter, our Pop-Up café will be open every Friday at the end of the school day. Teachers will take it in turns to bring children to serve drinks and snacks. There will be hot chocolate with cream and mini marshmallows. We will also have biscuits and sausage rolls cooked by our kitchen team. Please support us in this endeavour.
Dates to remember – more information will be given nearer the time
Every Friday – The Pop Up Café is open
Friday 13th December – Friends of Preston Primary School Christmas Fayre
Tuesday 17th December – Foundation Nativity 9.30am or 2.00pm
Wednesday 18th December – School Christmas Lunch
Friday 20th December – Last day of term