Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter, 4th December 2020
Dear Parents,
It has been a very busy week. It is definitely looking a lot like Christmas! The children have enjoyed recording scenes for the nativity and two elves have arrived in the classroom. The elves, who have been named Arlo and Bobby, have been found in different places in the classroom and have been leaving challenges for the children. Some of the challenges were to greet people politely and hold a door open for someone without being asked.
The children have been busy with Christmas crafts and dressing up in festive outfits. They have been inspired by the recording of our nativity and have been filming their own during choosing learning time. We will have lots more festive fun over the next couple of weeks.
Rhyming Story – Oi Frog
The children continued their learning using the rhyming story, Oi Frog. This week we retold parts of the story using props and shared ideas. The children were very creative thinking of other animals that could be included in the book and the rhyming object to sit on. We had pigs sitting on wigs, bears on chairs and whales on scales. We also had lots of giggles thinking of words that rhyme with our names: Luna sits on tuna, Flynn sits on the bin, and Freddie sits on a teddy. Next, we will be attempting to write our own rhyming words.
When we have finished the filming of our nativity, we would like to hold a movie premiere in our classes. As a treat for all their hard work we would like to give the children popcorn and snacks to enjoy whilst enjoying watching it. Please ensure your child’s medical information is up to date. Please contact the school office if you have any updates or amendments
Love of Reading
We are very excited to have a new reading shed in our outside space. Reading is at the heart of our curriculum and it is important to give children as many opportunities as possible to enjoy stories. In RWI this week some children enjoyed reading green words to each other whilst sat in our amazing aeroplane seats.
- Remember to order your child’s Christmas lunch via the Aspens website
- An e-mail has been sent to you with information regarding a language intervention programme called NELI. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Important Dates
Wednesday 16th December - Christmas Lunch
Friday 18th December – Non-school uniform and disco. Your child can wear a party outfit for our class discos
Friday 18th December – Last day of term
Tuesday 5th January – First day back to school
Home Learning
- Complete the stickman activity on Seesaw.
- Enjoy some Christmas crafts and baking at home
From Mrs Bastin, Mrs Clague and the Foundation Stage Team