Foundation Stage Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Newsletter, 16th December 2022
Lights, Camera, Action! - Foundation Nativity
This week parents and grandparents joined us while we sang some Christmas songs. It was a lovely occasion for us all to join together to have a festive sing-a-long!
This week also saw the release of the Foundation Nativity, starring Puffins and Penguins. The children have worked extremely hard practising songs and learning their lines. They showed dedication, commitment, and amazing teamwork but most importantly they had lots of fun. The children have enjoyed learning about the Christian story of The First Christmas. They have immersed themselves in their learning and it has inspired their creativity.
The children enjoyed watching a special premier viewing of their nativity with popcorn and snacks. They had fun spotting themselves and their friends! We wanted to celebrate their success with some photos.
These are video links to nativity stories if you would like to watch them with your child:
Religious Studies KS1: The Christian Story of the First Christmas - BBC Teach
Nativity Story - CBeebies - BBC
Changing Seasons
We have been using the story of ‘Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson to support our understanding of the four seasons. We read the book and looked closely at the pictures, and we noticed that the Stick Man was actually away from the family tree for a whole year! For example, at the start of the story it is Spring – the leaves are green, there is blossom on the branches and the swan is building a nest. Then it must be Summer, as it is hot enough for people to be swimming in the sea and playing on the beach. Later, there are signs of Autumn as the leaves on the trees have turned brown and the children in the pictures begin to be wrapped up in warmer clothes. Then it snows and Father Christmas arrives, indicating that Winter is here. We placed images from the ‘Stick Man’ story book around our seasons display and we discussed the changes happening.
We also talked about how the seasons go in a ‘cycle’ and continually repeat the pattern each year.
Festive Fun
Over the past two weeks we have had lots of festive fun! The children have been busy making cards, tree ornaments and mini-Christmas trees. They have enjoyed dressing up as Santa, elves, and reindeer. We also enjoyed a wonderful Christmas disco, party games and a delicious Christmas lunch!
Home Learning
- Enjoy listening to this week’s story on Seesaw - ‘Father Christmas needs a wee!’ by Nicholas Allan, read by Mrs Clague.
- Check your child’s book bag or on Seesaw for phonics activities and reading to complete at home.
- Have a wonderful festive break together!
Important Dates
- Last day of term - Friday 16th December.
- First day of Spring term – Tuesday 3rd January 2023
Merry Christmas
We would like to finish by saying it has been a pleasure getting to know the children and yourselves this term. They have impressed us with their determination and passion for learning. They bring a smile to our faces every day and we enjoy sharing an exciting and innovative curriculum with them. We hope you have a special and wonderful Christmas. We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 3rd January.
Merry Christmas!
From Mrs Bastin, Mrs Clague and the Foundation Stage Team