Foundation Stage Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Newsletter, 13th January 2023
Learning Enquiry – When I Grow Up.
This week the children enjoyed learning about firefighters. They were fascinated by the history of the fire service and how uniforms and fire engines have evolved. We watched a video clip to give an insight into the role of a firefighter. Many of the children wanted to watch the clip again so here is the link for you to share it together at home. People who help us - Firefighters - YouTube
During choosing learning time the children have enjoyed role playing various jobs. Adults have been playing alongside children modelling and extending their language.
It would be lovely if you could share your own career experiences with the children. Talk to your child about your current job and any other jobs you have had in the past. Then, if anyone would like to create a one page A4 profile about their job or a job they have done in the past, we would love to share these with all the children and possibly create a folder to put on our book shelf. You could include a photo and detail your job and the role you have. Your favourite part of the job, any special equipment you use, if you wear a uniform and any training you had. If you can link your job to our school values that would be wonderful. This is of course optional, but it would be very special for the children. You could send in a paper copy or submit an electronic version via e-mail ( or Seesaw). Thank you for your support.
This week we visited the large tree in the park next to the school. We looked at photographs of the tree in Autumn, and we reminded ourselves of when we collected red, yellow, and orange leaves to make our Autumn crowns. We noticed how the tree now had no leaves on! We also noticed how the weather was colder and how it was windier. The children recapped the vocabulary from previous learning (Autumn, Winter, Season) and explained to us how the seasons are in a cycle. The children are looking forward to exploring this further as the year goes on. Some children said that the next season would be Spring, and they predicted that the tree might start to grow leaves again and might have some blossom on. We are going to watch the tree with interest and will inform others if we notice any changes.
We also discussed suitable clothing for the muddy, wet weather. As we were wearing our mud suits and wellies, we explored jumping in some big puddles in the playground! We talked about how if we were to do that while wearing our uniform, we would end up with wet clothes, but because our mud suits and wellies are waterproof, then our school uniform will remain dry underneath. It made us start to think about why certain materials are used for particular items of clothing.
This week the children have been labelling objects in our classroom. They wrote words on sticky notes and then put them next to that item. They labelled some of our toys and pictures, e.g., mat, log. In the bathroom they have written ‘tap’ and ‘hot’. Some children have been writing words with digraphs (special friends) in them, for example on the door they wrote ‘push’ and ‘pull’, they also wrote the word ‘clock’. The children found it very exciting to walk around the classrooms sticking their labels on different things.
This week, we continued to build on our skills on the apparatus. We used the book ‘Rosie’s Walk’ by Pat Hutchins as our inspiration for a circuit. The children had to travel over the haystack (vault), around the pond (floor mat), through the fence (play tunnel) and under the beehives (hurdles). The children enjoyed the variety in using a range of equipment and in moving in different ways.
Thank you to those who have emailed or put on Seesaw, a photo of your child as a baby. We will be using these to make our own personal timelines to support our understanding of time. If you haven’t done this yet, please email it to
In Maths this week, we have been focusing on the number 7. We found that lots of things in our everyday lives have a seven – 7 sides on a 20p and 50p, 7 colours of the rainbow and 7 days of the week. We noticed how Numberblock 7 is made up from the rainbow colours.
The Seven Dwarves helped us with our partitioning this week! We used a cherry model (a part/whole model) to explore how 7 can be organised and partitioned. We looked at characteristics of the dwarves to help us. For example, 5 were wearing hats while 2 were not; 3 had a beard while 4 did not. We moved the images from the ‘whole’ circle into the parts and then labelled them, e.g., 5 and 2, 6 and 1, 4 and 3, and a 7 and a 0. The children enjoyed looking for the similarities and differences.
Reading for Pleasure
As a whole school we promote a love of reading through a variety of activities. Each half term we have a whole school theme and this half term it is called ‘Children’s Choice’. We are encouraging children to bring to school one of their favourite books to share with the rest of the class. This can be fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or even a magazine that they enjoy. Between now and half term please discuss with your child which book they would like to bring. We will be encouraging every child to participate. They can bring the book anytime between now and half term. If one of your child’s favourite books is from the school library, please let us know, and we will help them find it. We may keep the book in school for a few days, so please be patient. We look forward to sharing a love of reading.
‘Cool Milk’
As well as being delicious, there are many health benefits to drinking milk.
Milk is free to all children who are under 5.
This is a reminder that your child’s entitlement to a daily carton of free milk stops on the Friday before their fifth birthday. For your child to continue to receive milk, you will need to visit to register your child and pay for their milk. Milk only usually costs around £18 a term. By registering online, you’ll be able to make a payment straightaway. If your payment is received by 5pm on a Tuesday, your child will receive milk the following week.
Home Learning
- Enjoy the story on Seesaw read by Mrs Clague. ‘There’s a snake in my school!’ by David Walliams.
- Check your child’s book bag and Seesaw for phonics activities and reading to complete at home.
- Find out about your parents’ jobs.
- Decide which book you would like to share with the class and bring it to school between now and half term.
- Learn the days of the week. We have put some videos on Seesaw to help.
Important Dates
- Theatre trip ‘Room on a Broom’ – Tuesday 7th February
- Half Term 13th – 17th February
From Mrs Bastin, Mrs Clague and the Foundation Stage Team