Unit 2 Newsletter

Unit 2 Autumn Newsletter
We would like to welcome you all back from a lovely summer holiday. The children have settled back really quickly and we are very proud of them. Here is an outline of the learning that will be taking place in Unit 2 in our first Autumn term.
Learning Experience
The children will have the opportunity to get up close and personal with owls and other nocturnal creatures who will be visiting us in school (starting with a visit from the Barn Owl Trust). We will use the book ‘Day Monkey, Night Monkey’ to introduce the concept of nocturnal animals to the children and get them thinking about what happens while we are asleep. Using our school Environmental Area and Woodland Camp, children will be learning about what is special about nocturnal animals, their habitats, seasonal changes and will be designing their own bug hotels. Using the Talk for Writing model, children will internalize an information text before writing their own information text about nocturnal animals. This will be set as a challenge of creating a class fact file to go on display in our school library as well as presenting ‘Nocturnal Animal workshops’ to teach other children in the school.
HOME LEARNING TASKS (choose at least one) Please bring to school by Friday 5th October
- Write your own fact file on a different nocturnal animal.
- Research and make a poster about the seasonal changes.
- Take/print some photos of nocturnal animals to talk about.
- Keep a record of the weather for a week in a table.
- There are some people who go to work while we sleep. Find out some information and find some pictures of a few of these jobs.
- Draw a picture of a nocturnal animal in its habitat.
- Play ‘Forest Life Trail’ on BBC bitesize http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks1/science/living_things/play/
Weekly Maths Challenges
Most weeks an online maths challenge will be set for your child to complete, using ‘My Maths’. Soon you will be provided with log in details and passwords in order for you to access this. You will also be given log in details for ‘Sumdog’ and ‘Times-tables Rock Stars’. These are sites with helpful maths games for you to use with your children. We will send out details about how these sites can be accessed and there will be more information about these programs at the ‘meet the teacher’ meeting next week.
This half term’s focus School Value: Respect
MEET THE TEACHER: Unit 2 Parents meeting in Hall Tuesday 18th September 2.45 – 3.15pm.
Swimming this half term: Snowy: Tuesdays, Little: Wednesdays, Tawny: Fridays
We have a child in the school with a peanut allergy. Can we please request that peanuts are not put into your child’s packed lunch as the children will be eating in the same environment. Thank you.
We are really looking forward to a busy and exciting year ahead. If you wish to discuss anything further please do not hesitate to contact us.
Many Thanks KS1 Team