Unit 2 Autumn 2 Newsletter

Time Travelling Toys
We hope you have had a lovely half term and that the children have come back ready and refreshed for the next half term.
Learning Experience
Time Travelling Toys
This half term the children will be set a very exciting challenge. They will be sent a letter from Paignton Library asking them to investigate a range of toys and games. They will need to use key history skills to compare modern toys and toys from the past, and explain how toys have changed over time. The children’s writing and artwork will be generated from this challenge. The library has then invited them to display and showcase their work in an exhibition which will be open for friends and family to come and see.
Home Learning
As part of this learning experience, we would like the children to find out about toys from the past. They could talk to parents or grandparents to find out about a particular toy they may have played with when they were younger and then display the information in a poster or drawing (or any other creative way). Please can home learning tasks be completed and brought into school at any time before Friday 23rd November. These may also be displayed at the exhibition.
Exhibition in Paignton Library 29th November after school.
This half term’s focus School Value: Responsibility
We will also be looking at the Christmas story and will be learning and practising our own special performance to share with you all at the end of term. We look forward to sharing all of the children’s hard work with you very soon.
Many Thanks
KS1 Team