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Primary School

Unit 4 Autumn 2 Newsletter

Norse Code Volume 2

Learning experience

Please find the details of our intended learning experience for the next eight weeks: ‘Norse Code Vol. 2'.

Following the success of our Norse Code learning experience, we have decided to go into greater depth with our learning on the subject of the Vikings, whilst trying something new and innovative!

This half term we will be exploring the art of storytelling. As the children have learnt, storytelling played a very important part in Viking culture and it is now our turn to have a go at writing our own. The stories that the children write will then be shared as part of a Viking Saga telling day in our woodland camp.


During this half term, children will develop their knowledge and understanding of number place value through the mastery approach. They will then explore the formal written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. All sessions delivered will follow our ‘Maths: No Problem’ scheme of work.


Throughout the course of this Learning Experience the children will be writing Viking Sagas. Children will write a saga inspired by the story of Sigurd the Dragon. For one week on the week commencing 5th November, we will be exploring War poetry. As always, the children will be encouraged to read a range of quality texts as these experiences broaden their vocabulary and develop their awareness of more complex punctuation and sentence structures.


For science this term, children will continue to explore ‘Light'. Children will explore how light travels, how it is made up, how we see and how our eyes work. Over the course of this Learning Experience children will continue to develop their scientific lines of enquiry and why it is important to ensure that when performing a scientific experiment, we are aware of the variables that we are testing. They will experiment with simple circuits to make a light bulb work and will examine the construction of a light bulb.

PE / Art / Spanish / RE

In PE, this half term, children will be taking part in sports hall athletics. During this, children will be looking at their own individual performance and record their progress.

In Art, this half term, we will explore Viking knot work to create intricate patterns. Also this half term, children will use clay to create Viking inspired dragon eyes.

In Spanish, this half term, the children will be learning how to identify different animals in Spanish.

In RE, this half term, the theme will be symbols and religious expression. To do this, we will be exploring how beliefs are expressed by different religions. We will also look at the Christian festival of Christmas.

Dates for your diary

Friday 9th November – Remembrance Service

Thursday 13th December at 2pm – Viking outcome in the Woodland Camp (Viking dress optional)

Home Learning

Over the next eight weeks, we would like the children to create a piece of Viking inspired art from their Viking sagas they are creating in school. Children should look towards their Viking knot work for inspiration. Weekly homework tasks are to be completed on Sumdog, TT Rockstars, MyMaths and Read Theory. In addition to this, spellings will be set weekly.

Our Value Focus: Responsibility

Throughout all our work this half term, children will use and apply the value of Responsibility.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075